But Peter, how do we get to Neverland? Fly of course. Fly? It's easy...you think of a wonderful thought. Any happy little thought? Uh-huh. Like toys at Christmas? Sleighbells? Snow? Yep. Watch me now, here I go. It's easier than pie. He can fly! He can fly! He flew! Now you try. I'll think of a mermaid lagoon Underneath a magic moon. I'll think I'm in a pirate's cave. I think I'll be an Indian brave. Now everybody try! One, two, three... We can fly! We can fly! We can fly! This won't do. What's the matter with you? All it takes is faith and trust. Oh and something I forgot. Dust! Dust? Dust? Yep. Just a little bit of pixie dust. Now Think of the happiest things, It's the same as having wings. Let's all try it just once more. Look we're rising off the floor! Jiminy! Oh my! We can fly! You can fly! We can fly! C'mon everybody, here we go. Off to Neverland.
Think of a wonderful thought. Any merry little thought. Think of Christmas, think of snow. Think of sleighbells off you go. Like reindeers in the sky. You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! Think of the happiest things. That's the same as having wings. Think of paths that moonbeams make. If the moon is still awake, You'll see him wink his eye. You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! Off you go with a hi and ho. To the stars beyond the moon. There's a Neverland waiting for you. Where all your happy dreams come true. Every dream that you dream will come true. Come on Nana. When there's a smile in your heart, There's no better time to start. Think of all the joy you'll find, When you leave the world behind. And bid your cares goodbye. You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! There it is Wendy, the second star to the right and straight on till morning.
When there's a smile in your heart, There's no better time to start. Think of all the joy you'll find, When you leave the world behind. And bid your cares goodbye. You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!